Welcome to Genealogy for Family Batstone

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This site is in the early stages of development and as such I would welcome any comments and feedback.

The aim of the site is twofold, firstly it is the home for my One Name Study of the Batstones. I hope to expand on the data I have and provide information on the name and those with the name. Secondly it is the home for my own family history which I will develope later.

Access to my One Name Study data is available to view by loging on as "guest" with a password of "guest" (both in lowercase without the quotes).

If you interested in the Batstones and would like more information or for that matter make contributions to the project then please do apply for registration. I make no claims that the information and/or links are correct, that's what I'm working on, so please do comment with ideas and sources.

Thank you. I anticipate that this site will change considerably over the next months but my main goal is still to collect and update the information on the Batstones going back to the 1500's.

Chris Batstone - May 2017

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.



Login as guest to see the Batstones decended from Robert Batstone born 1711